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Magazine Editorial

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Category Women’s Creativity
Details When Autumn Stanley spent 13 years studying and analysing the 200 year long history of patents in the USA to identify the contributions of women, she provoked a question that made her work among the least cited contribution. The biases against women’s knowledge are far deeper than is apparent in her study. She found that the share of the women inventors was hardly two percent in the 80s increasing to eight percent in the 90s. In many cases, women had deferred to their husbands when taking credit. The situation in the Honey Bee database is similarly alarming. Despite the pioneering contribution of Gangaben in 1898, institutions have felt handicapped in harnessing the creative contributions of women. The examples here show how much one can learn if only one tries.
Volume No. Honey Bee 25(4) & 26(1) 89-94, 2014-2015 (25 years celebration)
