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Title Incentivising Creativity-I
Abstract Devising incentives congruous to the solitary efforts and needs of grassroots innovators is important to sustain their spirit of entrepreneurship. Grassroots innovators come up with various innovations out of their own need, compassion or just for the pleasure of doing something new. If the ideation and development processes of grassroots innovators are suitably nurtured, the innovation ecosystem can become more inclusive. The incentives for grassroots innovators can be both material and non-material. Incentives may thus help to expand the creative base of a society by not only encouraging the already innovative ones but also inspiring others to ideate as well. Most of the time, these grassroots innovations are developed by individuals, groups or communities, deprived of financial, material or knowledge resources. Also important is the fact that these grassroots innovators are most generous in sharing their innovations with society. Over the years, the Honey Bee Network has been recognising and rewarding both creative individuals and communities: 1. At the regional level through SRISTI Samman 2. At the national level through NIF’s Biennial Presidential Awards3. At their doorstep during Shodhyatra 4. School children are felicitated during the annual Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam IGNITE awards by NIF5. Similarly, outstanding projects by technology students are awarded at the Gandhian Young Technological Innovations Awards (GYTI)
Details Recognising respecting and rewarding creativity at the grassroots SRISTI Samman The SRISTI Samman , which was started in 1995, is an attempt to honour grassroots innovators and knowledge-holders, people who have come up with creative solutions to problems of all kinds, especially, for conserving and preserving biodiversity. Apart from individuals, community institutions engaged in similar activities are also felicitated in the event. Till now 431 people have received the Samman . After receiving the SRISTI Samman , awardees, the family members and villagers started respecting the work of the awardees. The awardees have often taken the initiative to find grassroots innovators and connect them to the Honey Bee Network. Inspired teachers who have received SRISTI Samman themselves have made changes in the education system as well as motivated other teachers to make changes. Biennial Awards NIF solicits entries of unaided technological innovations and traditional knowledge developed at the grassroots by an individual or group comprising farmers, artisans, fishermen, women, slum dwellers, workshop mechanics, students, local communities. Fifteen per cent of the total prize money in these cases is given to the innovator(s) for their voluntary contribution towards community welfare and nature. The award winner may undertake any activity (s)he chooses for her/his community and nature. NIF believes that the community or the natural resources around one’s habitat nurture the creativity and sustain the innovative spirit. It may be useful to impress upon innovators and the holders to reciprocate moral or material support received from society and the environment. Therefore, as a matter of principle, we suggest that the award holders may share their incentives so as to foster creativity and to restore their faith within their community. Some of the awardees and their innovations are discussed below. Multipurpose food processing machine Dharambir Kamboj, Haryana Dharambir developed a multipurpose food processing machine for extraction of juice, pulp, and essential oils, from various edible and non-edible fruits and herbs. This multipurpose portable processing machine works on a single phase motor and is useful for processing various fruits, herbs and seeds. It also works as a big pressure cooker with temperature control and auto cut-off facility. One can extract essential oils and other components from flowers and medicinal plants. It is available in two models with juice extraction capacity of 50 kg/hr and 150 kg/hr for fruits and herbs. It can be used for processing aloe vera, mango, amla, tulsi, aswagandha, satavar, other herbs, flowers like rose, chameli and lavender. Farmers find it very useful for in situ value addition for their produce thereby ensuring better returns. Dharambir has sold more than 175 machines in different parts of the country. After the award, there was extensive media coverage about the machine. The success story of Dharambir, once a rickshaw puller and now a job creator, attracted a lot of attention. Forestry officials came to know about the machine and facilitated the transfer of the machine to tribal areas. It is one of the three technologies transferred by SRISTI to Kenya under USAID’s Feed the Future program. Vol 20(3) Jul-Sep 2009 Development of high yielding crop varieties Prakash Singh Raghuvanshi, Uttar Pradesh Raghuvanshi has developed a number of improved high yielding wheat, paddy and pigeon pea varieties, which are resistant to major pests and diseases and have bold seeds with good flavour and taste. Raghuvanshi is an innovative farmer and has participated in a number of Kissan melas and agriculture fairs across northern India. He has distributed his seeds of wheat varieties in different agro-climatic regions of India. He was invited to NIF’s informal Research Advisory Committee meeting in May 2006 to interact with fellow innovators and also given a chance to participate in the traditional food festival, Sattvik in 2006, where he had received a good response for his variety. The farmer hopes that every farmer in the country should obtain good quality seeds of high yielding crop varieties so that it can be beneficial for the country as well themselves. NIF awarded him National Award in 2009. Vol 20(3) Jul-Sep 2009 Non-stick cookware Hariyali Handi Non-stick cookware has become essential in low-fat urban kitchens though they have also raised safety concerns because of the chemicals used. But who could have imagined that rural communities in our backyard would be using non-stick coating made from natural ingredients on their earthenware? Members of Dhanuka, Nayak and Bhil community of Chhota Udepur region of Gujarat and the nearby areas in Madhya Pradesh have been traditionally using ‘lac’ to coat their earthen utensils. Lac is obtained from the secretion of an insect, Laccifer lacca, that lives in the Pohim latin name tree. The lac obtained from this tree is shiny and long lasting. Lac generally contains resins (70-80%), sugars, proteins and soluble salts (2-4%), wax (4-6%) and other extraneous matter (9-14 %). The innovation lies in the selection of a particular kind of lac and the process of applying it on the clay surface using natural binding agents. The natural non-stick earthen utensil or ‘Hariyali Handi’ has been Frugality is not about affordability only but also about circularity Vol 23(4) & 24(1) Oct 2012-March 2013IGNITE Awards IGNITE is a national competition of original technological ideas and innovations by children up to the age of 17 years in or out of school and up to class 12. IGNITE is organised by NIF-India in association with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Society for Research and Initiatives in Sustainable Technologies and Institutions (SRISTI), various State Education Boards and other partners. A number of other State Educational Boards viz. West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, Punjab School Education Board, Board of School Education, Haryana, Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Education, Meghalaya Board of School Education, and Chhattisgarh Madhyamik Siksha Mandal, have also actively promoted the IGNITE campaign. In IGNITE 2014 competition; over 27,000 submissions were received from students from 359 districts of 35 states and union territories of the country. The competition ran from September 1st 2013 to August 31st, 2014. The awards were announced on October 15th, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam’s birthday, which is celebrated as Children’s Creativity and Innovation Day by NIF-India. A total of 28 students from 22 districts of 15 states and union territories were awarded. In the last seven years (2008-14), 142 awards have been given to 202 children. Ideas of another 11 school children have received special mention. The total number of submissions from school children received during the various IGNITE campaigns is over 71,000. Some of the award winning ideas are described below. Modified walker with adjustable legsShalini Kumari, Bihar A walker with adjustable legs to climb stairs. The walker has spring-loaded self-locking front legs. When the user pushes the front legs on the upper stairs and the rear legs rest on the lower stairs, the walker is stable enough for climbing stairs. It also has a foldable seat that can be pulled out for resting and is fitted with a horn and a light. Shalini’s grandfather loved gardening. He had a beautiful garden on the roof where he took his daily walk. Sadly, he had an accident after which he had to use a walker for support which he could not use for planting the stairs. Hence her grandfather could no longer walk to the roof to enjoy his garden. Shalini noticed his helplessness and wanted to help him. While examining the walker, she realised that if the front legs were adjustable instead of fixed, it could be used to climb stairs. And that’s how she got this idea. Interestingly, she first shared this idea with Abhishek, a friend who won the IGNITE 2009 award for his automatic food making machine. He encouraged her to enter the walker in the IGNITE competition, and NIF had a prototype made. Seeing her idea translated into reality and receiving an award from Dr Kalam has made Shalini feel extremely proud of her achievement. Shalini received the IGNITE 2011 award as a class 8 student. A prototype based on her idea was developed by the NIF team. It also engaged an external agency to develop an alternative version. Both models are currently being tested. NIF also filed an application for a patent in her name (application number 1434/KOL/2011) and is currently in talks with a rehabilitation centre that has expressed an interest in obtaining this product. She was also featured in Teenovation, a program telecast on Zee Q on child innovators identified with NIF’s help. NIF has licensed this technology of walker with adjustable legs to Kaviraa solutions in 2014. Vol 22(3) Jul-Sep 2011 Inclined installation of water taps at school and other public placesChhaya Thakor, Gujarat In almost all the schools, water taps are at the same height from the ground. Taller and shorter children have to face discomfort in drinking water. Chhaya’s idea is to have taps arranged at an incline instead of the present horizontal arrangement so that a student can use the tap suitable for his/her height. Chhaya has a variety of interests: studying English, painting, making henna designs and playing kho-kho. Her idea was implemented by her school, Vidhyadham Boru Primary School. She wants to become a scientist and solve the problems of our society. Vol 25(1) Jan-March 2014Rice grain separating cleaning machine Mohd. Sajid Ansari, Jharkhand Rice cleaner developed by Sajid, a little boy blessed with the sensitive soul of a poet. His compassion shines in his poetry. It also made him acutely aware of his mother’s drudgery as she went about her daily work in the house. He was especially troubled each time he saw her hunched over a pile of rice, tediously picking out impurities. Rice was a staple food in their home, and cleaning it for a family of five was not easy. Wanting to help out his mother, Sajid came up with ‘Rice Cleaner’ that automatically cleans rice before cooking. Many changes and trials later, the rice grain cleaner was ready for testing. It was a working model that used electricity to separate physical impurities from rice. It could clean up to three kilograms in an hour. Presenting the machine to his mother was an emotional moment for him. “My mother just could not believe it until she herself saw the machine working. My family and neighbours knew I was trying something, but no one paid any attention till it was ready. So everyone was excited to see it in action,” he mentions. Gandhian Young Technological Innovation (GYTI) Awards Since 2009, student innovations in UG, PG and PhD level are being pooled and shared in Techpedia for promoting originality and develop a relay (kho-kho) model of innovation. While more than 2, 00,000 student projects are being pooled and shared on the Techpedia web platform, there is a need to benchmark and appreciate the best project amongst them each year, First edition of GYTI Awards was held in 2012 at the national level. From all nominations in the past three years, 97 teams have been awarded at IIM-Ahmedabad. For GYTI Awards 2015, 43 teams were awarded or appreciated during the Festival of Innovation at Rashtrapati Bhavan by Dr R A Mashelkar, Chairperson, NIF. Hundreds of faculty members in India and abroad, and executives from leading tech companies reviewed the nominations. Student projects qualify for the application if they address an important social, environmental or technological problem faced by the masses or disadvantaged people/sectors/spaces or micro and small enterprises, or have the potential to impact a pressing national need. The three awards are: 1. MLM (More from Less for Many) Award: This award will be given to innovations which use significantly less material/energy to create sustainable solutions. Frugality and creating value for many by using minimal material, energy, and other resources could be the key focus while benchmarking such innovations 2. SRISTI Social Technological Award: The best student projects which have a demonstrable proof of concept/ prototype having a significant amount of novelty and social applications are eligible for this award. 3. Technological Edge Award: A breakthrough or a significant technological advance in any field of engineering, pharmacy, medical, agricultural, or other disciplines will entitle a student to qualify for this award. All the shortlisted entries during GYTI awards are to be displayed at the Festival of Innovation at Rashtrapati Bhavan in March every year. The submitted entries are included in www.techpedia.sristi.org database with due acknowledgement of the name of the team members, supervisor, college, department and contact information provided. The exhibition is visited by leading policy makers and practitioners of the country. The prototype may be retained to be displayed in a permanent exhibition likely to be developed at the national level with due acknowledgement of innovators, supervisors and the concerned institution. To date 140 teams have been awarded or appreciated through GYTI Awards. GYTI Awards has not only been a means to award and exhibit innovations, but has also been a supporting system at various stages after the coveted national award. After receiving GYTI awards the winners have also received other national awards About 72% of GYTI award winners go on to win other national awards from private and public sector organisations. Private sector awards include the GE Edison Award, 3M CII Inclusive Innovation Award, and IMC Inclusive Innovation Award. GYTI Awards is therefore proving to be a significant platform for university students to gain national recognition as innovators. During both the editions of Power of Shunya, the innovation show by ET NOW, more than 60% of final teams were of GYTI Awards participants and the winner of the 1st edition of this television program was a GYTI 2013 winner. By now more than 5000 nominations have been received during GYTI applications from more than 200 universities across the nation. GYTI award has won the trust of many large scale research and industrial units to leverage the open innovation model for solving challenges and creating values. Grassroots Innovation Awards Lifetime achievement award, 2015 A I Nadakattan, Dharwad, Karnataka Abdul Nadakattan is an innovator, a social worker and an environmentalist. Believing in the principles of sustainability, he has always advocated cost-effective, eco-friendly and socially acceptable methods in agriculture. He has also developed a number of user friendly and useful innovations, which include a device to separate tamarind seeds, tamarind slicing for pickles, ploughing blade manufacturing machine, seed cum fertiliser drill, efficient water-heating boiler, automatic sugarcane sowing driller among others. He also established a 16 acre grove with about 1800 tamarind trees in unfavorable conditions. Posthumous - Late Chandrakant V Pathak, Pune, MaharashtraHailing from Satara district of Maharashtra, C V Pathak was a serial innovator, social entrepreneur and a dedicated social worker. Not only did he develop various utility machines for common people, he also helped upgrade technical skills of thousands of school dropouts, contributed to many social causes and promoted science, technology and innovation among the common people. Chandrakant lived a fulfilling life full of hard work, dedication and devotion to the causes he felt close to. He has been an inspiration for all who have known him closely and would continue to do so. National First AwardsSolar Multi Muga Reeling cum Spinning Machine, 2015 Manihar Sharma, Imphal, Manipur Traditional method of reeling and spinning silk is a laborious task where cocoons are first soaked in a pot and then the thread is spun manually. The solar muga silk reeling cum spinning machine is quite portable and durable. It can spin the thread while reeling from the cocoon simultaneously. Working on solar power, it saves time, labour and capital, producing super fine thread. Sitara Sringar- Improved mustard variety, 2015 Hukam Singh Lodha, Bharatpur, Rajasthan This is a high yielding (30-35 q/ha) variety with high oil content (42 per cent), tolerant to pod shattering waterlogging, and alternaria leaf blight. It performs well under saline water conditions. National Second AwardsCompost Maker for Mushroom Cultivation, 2015 Jeetendar Malik, Panipat, Haryana Good quality compost is critical for a good harvest of mushrooms. The mushroom compost turning machine ensures proper mixing of the compost by breaking the lumps. The machine can turn a 200 ft long, 4 ft wide and 4 feet high heap of compost in 25 minutes. The turning of the compost releases gases like ammonia. The time required for compost making and the incidence of disease (yellow mould) also reduces. This machine can also add moisture to the compost and can be used on both hard (like cement floor) and soft (agricultural field) ground. Using this machine the mushroom productivity increases by 5-10 per cent as compared to the manual process. Cotton Wick Making Machine, 2015 Vijaybhai Solanki and Dipakbhai Vyas, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Cotton wicks for diyas are mostly made by women entirely using their hands manually. Though machines for making long cotton wicks are available, there is no machine available for making cotton wicks with a bulbous base. The innovators have developed a machine to automate the process of making round cotton wicks. Compared to the manual process where one can make only about 8-10 wicks per minute, this machine can produce 20-25 good quality wicks per minute. This is a portable, affordable and easy to use machine. It has enormous potential for generating livelihoods. Block and brick making machine, 2015 Arjunbhai M Paghdar, Junagadh, Gujarat Manual block and brick making is a very laborious and time consuming process where mostly women and children are employed as workers. The innovator has developed a block making machine, which has mechanised the process and improved efficiency. The machine consists of three units, viz. a material mixing unit, a conveyor unit, and a block moulding unit, which can make approximately 140 to 150 blocks (of size 15 x 9 x 7 inches) per hour. The machine can undertake all operations like soil lump breaking, raw material mixing and block/brick making. It can also be used for making conventional and interlocking bricks of different sizes by changing the mould. Surjeet Basmati - High yielding and salt tolerant paddy variety, 2015 Surjeet Singh, Karnal, Haryana This variety has early maturity and high yield (60 q/ha). The other salient features include green basal leaf sheath, long stem excluding panicle, and free from common paddy diseases (foot rot and sheath blight). It performs very well in saline conditions. Zion Mundi-Improved Black Pepper Variety, 2015 PG George, Idukki, Kerala This variety is resistant to rot and exhibits high yielding characters even under shade cultivation. The length of the spikes is longer than the other varieties of black pepper. The other features of the variety are larger berries, long and uniform sized spikes, and high recovery percentage. National Third Awards Sugarcane Bud Planter, 2015 Roshanlal Vishwakarma, Narsinghpur, Madhya Pradesh Sowing of sugarcane buds in the field is laborious and time consuming. Not maintaining uniform distances between the buds and/or varying the depth while sowing manually, may result in less productivity. To address these problems, the innovator has developed a tractor operated sugarcane bud planter. It reduces plantation cost to about Rs 800/acre compared to about Rs 6000/acre using labour. The field capacity of the machine is claimed to be 0.5 acre/hr. The plant to plant sowing distance can also be adjusted according to the requirements. The planter can also drop the same amount of manure/ fertiliser near each bud while sowing. This machine can also be used for sowing potatoes. Manual Brick making machine Korampally Chandrashekhar, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh Traditionally the complete brick making process involves material collection, tempering, moulding, drying, firing and sorting. Most of these processes are pursued manually employing women and children. A six person team can roughly make 1500 bricks per day using conventional methods. Mechanisation of the process of moulding, and removing excess mud and pressing has enhanced the productivity. Using this machine, 4000 to 5000 bricks can be made per day by a team of six. Fifty bricks can be made at a time at an average cycle of 3 minutes. The machine also helps in reducing the drudgery of workers considerably as it can be operated in a standing posture. It can also be used for making clay tiles and blocks of different materials. Modified Boiler Based Mawa Maker, 2015 Subhash Ola, Alwar, Rajasthan In conventional mawa making machine, boilers use at least 100 kg of wood and 4000 litres of water to extract mawa from 100 litres of milk resulting in a lot of wastage of fuel wood and water. The innovator has made modifications in the boiler such that the steam (at 1300o C), generated by the boiling water, returns to the boiler at a temperature of 900 -1000o C after heating the milk in the cauldron or tub. This steam is recycled again after heating instead of allowing condensation. Thus, due to the recycling of steam (at 900-1000o C) less fuel is required. The water filled in the boiler can be continuously used for a long time unlike traditional mawa machines, where water in the boiler has to be filled every half an hour. Punnathanam Jathy - Improved Nutmeg Variety, 2015 Varkey Thomman, Idukki, Kerala The variety gives nutmegs of extra large size (4.5 cm long and 3 cm wide). A full bearing Punnathanam Jathy tree gives an average of 3000 fruits/tree/year and the weight of 50 dry nuts is about one kg and 250 dry mace weighs one kg. There is comparatively less breakage of fruits and the variety is tolerant to pests. The variety is suitable for organic cultivation and requires less maintenance. Grassroots Innovations for Sustainable Development: The Case of Agricultural Pest Management FPM thesis, PSG, IIM Ahmedabad Astad Pastakia,1996 Context In the context of growing environmental problems both at the global and local levels, and the emerging challenge of sustainability, the experience and contributions of grassroots innovators can prove invaluable in making the transition to sustainable agriculture in particular and sustainable development in general. This realisation motivated me to take up a study of innovations attempting to develop eco-friendly technologies at the grassroots level. The study was undertaken as part of my doctoral studies at the IIMA during early nineties under the overall guidance of Prof. Anil Gupta. The thesis was submitted at IIM in March 1996. Modern agriculture in India and other developing countries continues to struggle with second generation problems created by the green revolution technology. The search for more sustainable solutions remains on top of the agenda for both researchers as well as farmers even today. While some of the solutions for pest management adopted by farmer innovators during the nineties may have changed, the heuristics (guiding principles) for sustainable pest management remain relevant even today and will continue to do so in the years to come. It is in this context that some of the highlights from the thesis are being presented below. By the early nineties, the use of toxic chemicals had become the dominant pest management strategy in farming promoted by the state. The intensive use of chemical inputs, in particular pesticides during the nineties, especially in hybrid cotton crop, had generated localised as well as non-localised environmental externalities triggering what is known in pest management literature as the “pesticide treadmill”. The treadmill was forcing farmers to spend more and more on pesticides achieving less and less control. It was also contributing to the overall long term decline in farm productivity. Of equal concern, was the creation of new health hazards for both humans as well as other sentient life. In the face of the emerging crisis, the response of policy makers could best be described as one of “disjointed incrementalism”. A few ad-hoc measures were taken to ban and/or restrict the use of some of the more hazardous pesticides. Some progress was made in developing Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies, identifying agents for biological control of pests and in breeding of disease and pest resistant varieties. However, the overall thrust of the policy continued to favour chemical pesticides. The national pesticide consumption during the nineties grew at an annual rate of about 4 per cent. On the other hand, the rates at which eco-friendly technologies for pest management were being generated by formal research institutions appeared to fall woefully short of the requirements. Objectives and Methodology It was in this context that the study was taken up with the following objective: “to identify the heuristics used by grassroots innovators in the process of innovation and to explore their potential in predicting the outcome of innovations from the view-point of sustainability.” Heuristics for the purpose of the study was defined as “thumb-rules or guiding principles used in the creative problem solving process”. Twenty non-chemical innovative solutions from Western India (Gujarat and Maharashtra states) in the field of agricultural pest management were selected for a detailed case study. A case cluster method was used to analyse the heuristics of innovation. Key Findings Some of the key findings are summarised below: 1. Heuristics of Innovation The analysis revealed four distinct models or approaches to innovation for sustainable pest management. These approaches involve finding: 1. Non-chemical, non-biological substitutes for chemical pesticides 2. Methods that stimulate growth and/or build the immunity of crop plants against pests 3. Methods that exploit inter-species relationships to control pests 4. Methods that restore the agro-ecological balance and build the resilience of the system. These approaches differ not only in the guiding principles used but also in their likely impact on ecosystems. The impact could be benign, restorative or augmentative. The extent of sustainability outcomes would depend upon the nature of impact as well as the extent of diffusion over space. 2. Influences on the heuristics of Innovation World view and contextual variables were found to be the major influences on the heuristics of innovation. Two worldview variables (ideological and analytical orientations of the innovators) were found to explain most of the differences between the four groups. Contextual variables (ecological, economic and social) were helpful in explaining the variance within the groups. They were also helpful in explaining the behavior of the odd case in which the innovator was found to use a heuristic not consistent with his/her ideological and analytical orientations. Conclusion The study suggests that solutions generated by farmers and other grassroots innovators can be an important source for augmenting farmers’ choices in attaining sustainable pest management. The variability in the process of innovations and the corresponding variability in potential for generating sustainable outcomes provide the basis for proposing an agenda for policy change. Both short term as well as long term measures, at macro and micro levels, has been suggested. At the implementation level, suggestions for support institutions have been made with regard to: 1. spotting, stimulating and supporting grassroots innovators 2. validation and value addition to grassroots innovations 3. augmentation of quality supply of inputs through promotion of ecopreneruship at the grassroots level and 4. augmentation of demand for such technology by linking organic producers with green (ecoconscious) consumersPostscript It has been about two decades since this study was undertaken. From hindsight it appears that the study of diffusion heuristics and methods practiced by grassroots ecopreneurs may prove as useful as the study of innovation heuristics. For instance the practice of vermicomposting as promoted by Ms. Hemangee Jhambekar, (one of the innovators who also took up the responsibility of diffusing the idea/technology) has now spread across the length and breadth of the country, largely through the movement of women’s self help groups. The contribution of this single innovation to the environment and to sustainability of agriculture is invaluable. Other innovations that have also got scaled up through the SHG movement and various NGOs include the production and use of botanical pesticides and nonchemical farming. Although organic/ natural farming is yet to catch up, there is a growing awareness about the harmful effects of chemicals on the ecology and large numbers of farmers are beginning to practice non-chemical pest control.SRISTI Samman award winners 2015 1 R. Jayaraman- Conservation and Improving the Productivity of Traditional Paddy Varieties 2 Daripalli Ramaiah- Greening the earth3 Dama Yadeshwari- Braille Yadeshwari 4 D. Dhanapalan- Traditional Ethno-Veterinary Practices followed in the Palakkad Region of Kerala 5   Karthikeyan- Innovations in Agricultural Implements 6   Rajeswari Ravikumar- Nutritious Food Preparations Using Millets 7 Genabhai D. Patel- Pioneer of Pomegranate Farming 8 Harsukhbhai G. Dobariya- Bird Conservation 9 Sandipbhai Karbhari- Gund Mission Digital School 10 Arvindbhai V.Marvaniya - Carrot farmer 11 Samatbhai P. Jada- Nutritious Food Preparations Using Millets
Volume No. Honey Bee 25(4) & 26(1) 103-113, 2014-2015 (25 years celebration)
