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Title Institutions, innovations and creative knowledge systems in Ghadchiroli:
Details "We share the details of culinary creativity, crafts, agro-biodiversity, seed exchange, herbal traditional knowledge for human, and agricultural purposes, institutions and other traditions. knowledge for human, and agricultural purposes, institutions and other traditions. Culinary Creativity: There were more than 40 recipes shared by the local communities were tasted, and honoured during 44th Shodhyatra. On the second day of Shodhyatra, Anita Usendi, Rekhatola village prepared Mahua flower powder by crushing dried flowers of Mahua (Madhuca longifolia), said to be quite good for digestion and health. Sarita Kirange presented a vegetable of Bamboo Shoot (Bambusoideae) finely chopped and boiled in water and then fried in oil with salt and spices. We received maximum recipes in a day at Bhendikanhar village and honored 13 women for their creative efforts including Jiji bai vadhe, Lali Bai Chandrakala Aatla Shantabai narwate Somi Bai, Kaushalya Jeevan Aatla Juri Bai Savitri Samru Parse Janku Bai Shogibai Vadhe Pandey Bai, Premila wade, and Shantabai narwate. They made recipes like Bathua ki sabji, Koyar ki sabji, Vasta and Batua ki sabji, Kohaka (in gondi language) ki Sabji, Shantabai narwate - Ambadi ki Sabji, - Wasta etc. In every village we received recipes with some uniqueness in taste and ingredients used. Below is the list of other recipes- Seed Distribution Seeds of improved crop varieties were distributed to 140 farmers. Many farmer reciprocated our activities by donating us many varieties of seeds developed or conserved by them like- hundred-year old variety of paddy and Black gram from Jampi village. Dasharath In every village we received recipes with some uniqueness in taste and ingredients used. Below is the list of other recipes. Hichami, Yedampayli village, gave seeds of a new variety of beans developed by him. Its high yielding and is sown after the first rain. It is resistant to pests and takes 120 days to grow. Bhaiku Daanu Parase, Fulbodi village shared local paddy variety seeds grown on the bank of water tank in the village in rainy season. It does not require any special efforts to sow. Shankar Manu Hichami, Jappi village, gave us a few sample seeds of black and green gram seeds apart from a local crop called Kurta. Art and craft – There is a rich tradition of local arts and craft especially made by bamboo. On the first day, Shodhyatris met Shilpa Shankar Gedam Mendhatola and saw a beautiful doormat made by her from old and discarded saree. Rakesh Aatala, Ushirpar, made a small and beautiful decorative house, purses, and a basket from Bamboo. Two little girls Shruti and Rameshwari made colourful butterflies from paper colourful butterflies by Shruti and Rameshwari Mangu Senu Pada, 85, Ghodezarri had made a musical Instrument ‘BESUN’ from Bamboo and bottle guard. Mangu Senu played Besun with great enthusiasm and won the heart of all shodhyatris. Istri Jeetu Parse, fullbodi village made storage for tobacco Devaji Aatla of Pustola village is a farmer who has made a traditional design form bamboo to catch fish Mangala Sadhu Hichami, and many others in Yedampayali village make a Craft from leaves of Shindi plant. Dalsuk Hichami and Jugu Pushu Aatla, Bhedikanar made a small whistle of Palm fresh leaves and Mangesh Kuwashi (40), made a small box holder. Traditional Herbal Practices Bubu Ram Mesoji Pada, Khuntgav prepared a herbal formulation for the Pest control in paddy crop. During our conversation he told us about the herbal practices which he uses to prevent diseases in paddy crop. He brought us sample of Garadi (cluster fig tree), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Bhui Neem (Andrographis paniculata) and flowers of Aakde (Calotropis gigantea). One of the practice that he told us was fermenting- Ingredients Amount Finely crushed Garadi (Cleistanthus collinus) / cluster fig tree 5 parts Neem (Azadirachta indica) fruit 0.25 part Part of Bhui Neem (Andrographis panic- ulata) 0.1 part Dried flowers of Aakde(Calotropis gigantea) flower 1 Flower Fermenting in for 15 days. Then adding Cow urine or Gomutra 0.5 part Goat fecal 0.25 part Mohua (Madhuca longifolia) 0.25 parts of Nirma powder Small amount Spraying this on paddy crop can prevent diseases from various insects locally called as maavatudtuda, berad and karpa . Babu Rao Pada was facilitated with a certificate and booklets containing prior literature on local knowledge about communities in Gadchiroli. Sukhadev Gavde Mahraj also called as “Gavade Maharaj”, 61yrs, has been treating human diseases for the last 30 Years with his herbal formulations. He is very popular locally and people from different parts of the country visit him for the treatment. He is quite well known and even has patients in Japan. Some of the practices that he suggested are: Treatment for muscle cramps Neem (Azadirachta indica) leaves Chrushed 1 part Giloy(Tinospora cordifolia) 1 part Jaggery 1 part Make tablets of the mixture. Consuming 2 tablets per day for minimum one and a half month to 4 months along with Masaj of warm mixture of 200 mL of mustard oil (Brassica nigra) + 100 mL of Caster oil (Ricinus communis) + 50mL of sesame oil (Sesamum indicum). To prevent malaria The vegetable of Kuda flowers (Holarrhena pubescence) can be used, if it is eaten regularly in rainy season. It also is used to treat acidity and fever ( to be verified clinically). Treatment of Worms in stomach for children Take seven leaves of Aakda (Calotropis gigantea) on either side of hot iron plate .The hot liquid/latex that oozes out is directly applied on stomach for the treatment At Sakheratola village we met a farmer Maruti Usendi who told about the herbal practice that he use in rice crop. Powder of mixture Oil of Mohua (Madhuca longifolia) seed + Garlic (Allium sativum) + Onion (Allium cepa L) + leaves of Bailey (Piper betle) + bark of Mohua (Madhuca longifolia) when sprayed in paddy crop can control diseases in the crop. A farmer, Sonu Patavi who also use herbal practice to trap fish out of water Leaves of Garadi (Cleistanthus collinus) + juice of Mauj (Butea monosperma) plant can make fish numb and thus making it easy to catch them. Rajiram pada mixed powder of bark of Garadi (Cleistanthus collinus) mixed with Leaves of neem (Azadirachta indica) boiled in water for 1.5 hours then diluted, 1:10 and sprayed on paddy crop to reduce disease attack in the crop. Istri Jeetu Parse, fullbodi village, told that eating Stem and branches of Palm/Taad (Borassus flabellifer) tree, could be used to cure ear pain (to be clinically verified). Parshuram Musandi Bhapda boils leaves of Garadi (Cleistanthus collinus) in water and sprays the extract on paddy crop to prevent diseases. Many villagers wash old rice with salt water twice to clean infected seeds. Shankar manu Hichami, Jappi village, uses (Garadi ki chhaal (Cleistanthus collinus) + Neem (Azadirachta indica) + 10 lit water+ cows urine, 5 lit) to spray on the paddy to prevent crop diseases. Outstanding achievers Shodhyatris met several outstanding achievers and also learned about such people were honoured by the communities. Raju Kargami, a talented sportswoman in Fulbodi village reached state level in wrestling. Dinesh Hichami, was a state-level volleyball champion at Yedampayli village. Darli Mura Gavade, a 100-year-old lady, Gotta village, surprised Shodhyatris by her agility and vigor. “Jay Seva” is the common term which they use to greet each other .Whenever we entered the home of any villager, we were greeted with warm hospitality. Culture Usually they celebrate marriage for 4 days. First day is termed as Khodveraki. On this day all the bride’s family members gather at her place and all the groom family member gather at his place and they sing their traditional songs and celebrate. On second they construct and establish Mundha in the central part of Mandap. Mundha is a rectangular pillar with a height of about six feet above the ground. Its upper half portion is carved with geometrical design and in the lower portion four sides are carved with picture of Sun, Moon, guns and many other things. Also at second day bride arrives at grooms place and both the family come together and celebrate till late night. On the third day they perform Teeka ceremony. After this ceremony they are officially considered as husband and wife. During this whole ceremony they plant Mohua near Mandap and they worship it. The village has a tradition that was also observed in bastar region, when a sick person dies, they cremate her body, but when a healthy person dies, they bury her body. Also after the death of any respected person of the village, they make a small structure and secure his personal belongings there as a matter of respect Structure to secure personal belongings of dead achiever to pay community respect. "
Volume No. Honey Bee, 31(1-2) ,27-33, 2020
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