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"SRISTI completed its 25 years of commitment towards creativity and innovation in society in June 2018. Innovators, col- laborators, volunteers, and others associated with the network participated in celebrating the journey so far. Also, they envisioned the future roadmap, milestones, manjils. The three-day event had Honey Bee Sneh Milan and SRISTI Sanman. the detailed report of the meeting will follow later.
SRISTI Sanman is conferred to selected nominees who have contributed and had some kind of impact on the society at large. It is to appreciate and promote widespread social diffusion of practices and innovations influencing the community or environment. The Social innovators and change makers spreading awareness about the conservation or augmentation of biodiversity or management of Common Property Resources (CPR) institutions, educational innovations, creative culture or art etc. exceptional contribution towards spreading the ideology of Honey Bee Network is specially recognised." |
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"Ramesh Bandaru
R a m e s h Bandaru is an inspiration for the youth. At the age of 22, he has collected and p r es er v e d o v er 4 7 7 different varieties of seeds from different crops, herbs, weeds, trees etc., along with associated knowledge systems. He shares his collection widely and a l so strives to enhance i t by making f resh collections. Young Ramesh is enthusiastic to change the mindset of his fellow villagers who believe that sharing herbal knowledge would lessen its benefits. His efforts are yielding positive results.
His efforts have been recognized and honored by the Honorable Governor of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh and Telangana State Forest Minister, Sri Jogu Ramanna. He was invited to display his seed collection at Birla Science museum, Hyderabad on t h e International Biodiversity Day, 2016. Council for Green Revolution Organization (CGR), Hyderabad honoured Ramesh with “CGR Green Student Award-2017.” He a l s o showcased his seeds in the recently held “Sattvik Traditional f o o d a n d a g r o-b io di v er si t y festival” during December 2017 organized by SRISTI at Ahmedabad.
Devesh Rameshbhai Patel
D e v e s h Rameshbhai Patel wants to inspire the youth towards farming, for which he gave away his US Citizenship to become a full-time organic farmer. He processes the crops to make different value- added products which has resulted in increase of his income. He chose innovative farming techniques and has developed multi-purpose farm machinery to make v a r i o u s processes less labour intensive and highly efficient.
Sanjay Maruti Patil
S a n j a y P a t i l h a s c o ns e r ve d , revived and documented more than 650 landraces of different crops a n d l82 l a n draces of pulses and residual moisture crops. He has also documented more than 400 wild plants that were once consumed by the tribals. He is working on the conservation of these plants and has set up a nursery with 10,000 such plants for promoting their consumption. He has initiated nutritional studies and has been working on the promotion of sustainable agriculture practices for soil health, a n d pest and disease management. Other than that, he has initiated women self help groups and have been training them for production, packaging and selling of crops and other other products. A l s o, h e h a s init i ate d p r og ra mm es t o s u p p o r t t h e y o u t h’s r o le in s u s t a in a b le de v e lo p m en t.
Ashok Mohanlal Parmar
A s h ok bh a i h a s c on du c t e d research on t e a c h i n g d i f f e r e n t subjects to ra i s e t h e standard of school education. He has also tried to increase the enrolment and focuses on increasing the number of children attending the school.
He has innovated various activities and interesting methods to make learning mathematics simpler and interesting for students. He has developed 1000 maths puzzles which when solved can help in better understanding of mathematics.
Ashok has also written, compiled, t ra n s l a t e d a n d r e v ie w e d mathematics textbooks, teacher’s version and workbook, under the Gujarat Textbook Board, GCERT and NCERT and also created self- study books. He also broadcasts his lessons on t h e radio a n d TV. Since 2007, through the medium of BAISAG, he has been teaching mathematics using various tools and technology and providing guidance for the NMMS and NTSE exams. For his exemplary contribution as a teacher, he has been awarded as the ‘Best Teacher’ by the Matushri Jethibhai Dharamshi Memorial Trust, Kutch, Gujarat
Kanhaiyalal Viramdas Patel
Kanhaiyalal V ira m d a s P a t e l has played an active role in f ra min g v a r i o u s t e a c h e r s ’ t ra inin g modules and has been a master trainer and resource person in various training schedules. The 2001 earthquake had destroyed several village schools. Kanhaiyalal mobilised resources from NGOs and other government programs to construct new classes and schools. He has also been associated with ADEPTS programme, UNICEF, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Acharya Navsanskar Training Module, Pragna Training Module and other training modules. He founded ‘yuva green’ in every village where he organized a team of 14000 green commandoes to create environmental awareness among children. He has also been actively involved with the Honey Bee Network’s children creativity activities and helped in scouting young innovators from 14 states in 2016. The state education minister and GCERT gave him a special award during the State Innovation Fair at Saputara.
Madhuri Deshpande
M a d h u r i D e s h p a n d e believes that children have an equal right to education w i t h o u t co n sider in g their physical,
mental, social, emotional, lingual or any other such condition. She has been working to achieve a society that practices inclusion in the field of education through Madhuri Ankur Vidya Mandir for the past 27 years.
The students with special needs are taught with a firm belief that they will get equal and abundant opportunities for rehabilitation. It is important that children with special needs become self-reliant and financially independent. Also, there are no restrictions on the admission of children to the school. Children with special needs, socially deprived and challenged in any way are provided admission without any questions.
Ranjit Sinh Disale
R a n j i t s i n h Disale came up with the idea of using Q R C o de d Textbooks. A digital resource ba nk w a s created and made accessible through the QR codes added to each lesson in the children’s book so that they can be easily accessed through internet and smartphones.
Ranjitsinh’s efforts in the field of Education have been recognised by Government of Maharashtra, Ministry of HRD, Government of India, Microsoft Corporation, British Council, the Teacher App Foundation, SIR Foundation, etc. He is bestowed with ‘Microsoft Innovative Education Expert’ (MIEE) twice and ‘Skype Master Teacher’ by Microsoft Corporation. He was also awarded the Best Blogger by ABP Maza.
Ritaben Vora
Inspired by her father’s
s e r v i c e
t o w a r d s the society, Ritaben has contributed t o w a r d s w o m e n
empowerment by spreading knowledge among women groups on livelihood generation, agricultural value addition and organic farming. She organised a union of women and empowered them through small saving methods. The purpose was to make the union self-sufficient that they don’t have to take money from moneylenders. She also provided a platform for growth and opportunities to these women under the banner, Gram Vidhi, where concepts like eco-enterprises, improvising productivity, getting money at lower interest rates, and accessing markets were talked about. The women co mm uni t y m e m b e r s of Jasdan pioneered a new product named Findela (Opuntia sps ) shaerbet. The local communities have started caring for con s er v in g water, land and animals, different varieties a n d l o c a l culture and heritage. , Many labourers have been transformed into business women, giving a new identity to the region.
Yahya Sapatwala
Y a h y a i s appreciated for his outstanding contribution to the integration o f vi s ua l l y impaired in e d u c a t i o n sys tem. He
himself was visually impaired by birth but that never stopped him from achieving educational milestones. He trained about 150 visually impaired individuals for developing computer skills. He served as the President of Blind Teachers Association and a member of the editorial council of the magazine- Life education. Also, he has authored a number of books and articles to support his ideology and life experiences. He published a number of books which are used in schools under the Gujarat borad.
Nagarjun Sharma
N a g a r j u n S h a r m a has d o n e ex em p l a r y w o r k t o m a k e mathematics simpler and fun to learn by creating several models and authoring books on the subject. He created Mathematics labs and developed 3D models for making maths easier to understand. He has been guiding the children to innovate new science models and participate in various national level exhibitions. He also established an institute called ‘Bodhayan Sansthan’ to enable easier learning of mathematics among students. The institution is working to make mathematical kits, models for mathematical labs, and models for theorems in Geometry.
Nishtha Rajput
Nishita Rajput, in support of ‘beti bachao, beti padhao’ movement has been extending financial and i n t e ll ec t u al help to needy
children especially girls. She has taken up the challenge of giving moral support to families who want their girls to go to school and where necessary arranges financial support too. She runs a door-door charity through which she collects money to support their education. Year 2017-18, she arranged the fees for 10,000 students through door-to-door requests. She also has initiated a free tiffin service for the elderly. She has also been honoured by ‘Vadodara Ratna’ award.
Rahibai Soma Popere
Rahibai has c o ns e r ve d ab out 122 l a n draces of 32 crops ( P a d d y , millets, beans, veget ables,
oilseeds, etc). Also, till date she has prepared and sold 4000 packets of seeds for kitchen garden. She has expertise in the SRI method of paddy cultivation, improved cultivation practices for tomato and hyacinth bean, participatory seed selection and organic farming techniques. She is creating awareness among women for participation in the self-help movement, village sanitation, clean kitchen, seed conservation and wild food exhibitions. She has also been recognised and honoured at various local and national levels.
Dilip Bhalgamiya
D i l i p h a s c on t r i b ut e d much towards t a c k l i n g m a l nut r it i on among children. H e a s k e d c hi ldr en t o bring handful
of grains/pulses, sprouted them in the school and fed the sprouts back to the children. This helped in improving their nutrition level. He believes that countering malnutrition helps in enhancing students’ cognitive growth through better nutrition and thus improves their learning outcomes. Improved nutrition also increases the regularity of attendance. His innovative idea has been included in the Gujarat mid-day meal scheme. Also, it has been exhibited in the innovation gallery at the Rashtrapati Bhwan.
State Innovation and Research Foundation (SIRF)
SIRF was initiated by a group of teachers in Solapur district of Maharashtra to promote education through scouting and dissemination of innovative ideas. The Foundation works for finding a solution to the various problems relating to teaching and studies in Primary Education. Through various workshops, conferences, events and programs, they have been able to document various innovative pedagogies followed by 3000 innovative teachers. They started publishing these practices in the local newspaper to spread the knowledge of innovative teaching methods. Maharashtra government organized a study to know the impact of the same. The results showed that about 1700 students left private schools and joined government schools where these teachers were teaching. They have created a unique model of horizontal, self-triggered and self–managed teachers movement to improve quality through educational innovations.
Shrimati Bhanumatiben
S h e h a s c ont r i b ut e d e xt en si v e l y to promote e d u c a t i o n among girls in Malpur village. She realized that girls wouldn’t attend schools because they were required to look after their younger siblings. She personally went to each household and took initiatives for the families to take an oath to send their girls to school. Other than that, she used innovative ideas towards making education interesting for students. She included bhajans and folk songs in her lesson. Also, she promoted equality among villagers especially when it came to education among the local Harijans. She has spent her entire life in bringing about a revolution in the field of education in her native Malpur. She was the first ever woman from Gujarat to be selected for this award for uplifting the standard of education and was also elected as the Gram Sarpanch. Due to her vast experience, she is usually invited as a consultant on several occasions at Central and Gujarat State government offices.
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Volume No. |
Honey Bee, 29(2) & 29(3) ,27-30, 2018 |
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