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Category Cover story
Title Five fingers
Details I had to write a cover story and somehow no intriguing story was coming to my mind. Tired of thinking, I went to bed. In my dreams, I saw that the five fingers of my hand, which normally shared a warm friendship, got into a serious argument. Of course, the subject is the same old one that has been plaguing all living things since the dawn of time -who is the biggest of them all. The thumb responded first with a contemptuous look on its face and with a perceptible sneer wondering why there should be an argument at all about it. “Without me”, the thumb said, “you all are powerless. Try doing anything without my support and you will know!” The middle finger laughed out loud at this statement and said, “I am the tallest here and strategically placed at the middle. Haven’t you seen that in any group photo, the most important person occupies the middle seat? Do I need to say anything more?” The ring finger listened to all this with a disinterested yawn. He looked around with authority and, flaunting his expensive diamond ring set in platinum, said, “You people seem to forget that I give you all the status that you enjoy. All of you get noticed only because of me!” The mercurial index finger was furious at this preposterous statement. “Status, my foot” he thundered. “Don’t you guys know that when our man is roused to fury, he uses me to put his adversary in his place? And when someone seeks his direction, he uses me again to show him the right path to take. I am the symbol of his power and authority”, he said. Listening to this, the little finger said, “I am the smallest and slimmest of all. I am the best.” Adapted from http://www.indusladies.com/forums/cheeniyas-senile-ramblings/29038-the-story-of-five-fingers.html Why was the little finger so confident? -Ed. See page 29
Volume No. Honey Bee 23(4) & 24(1) 2, 2013
