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Magazine Editorial

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Name Mohanbhai Shanabhai Patel
District Vadodara
State Gujarat
Category Practices
Title Use of Dhatura Paste for Blight Control
Abstract Dhatura (Datura metel syn. Datura alba) was tested against the chickpea blight disease causing fungus Ascochyta rabiei and 28-34% and 23-41% reduction in colony diameter of A. rabiei was found (Shafique S. (2008); Mycopath 6(1&2): 31-35). Also see HB 13(3):1, 2002
Details In castor crop, there is always a big threat of blight disease withering the entire plant. This happens frequently in the fields where farmers generally do not change their crop every year. Mohanbhai uses the paste of dhatura (Datura metel L.) to combat blight disease. He says that if the seeds are soaked in the pulp of dhatura plant (which leaves a coating on the seeds) and then dried under shade for 24 hours, the plants resist the attack of blight. Moreover, the growth of the plant also becomes faster, healthier and better. It is protected from other diseases as well. He learnt this practice from his elders. Very few villagers know about the practice.
Volume No. Honey Bee 20(2); 17 April-June 2009
Call Number 20203
