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Name Jolly George
Address Paloorkavu
State Kerala
Category Practices for Plant Diseases
Title Iron nails to control fruit drop
Details Iron (Fe) deficiency-induced chlorosis is the main nutritional problem of fruit trees grown in calcareous and alkaline soils. Iron deficiency affects many physiological and biochemical features of plant metabolism. To prevent and cure Fe chlorosis, high amounts of synthetic Fe chelates, which are expensive and easily leached out of the root zone, are applied yearly. Mr George of Kerala suggests piercing iron nails on plants to control the immature fall of Breadfruit (Ficus callosa). Jolly George, Paloorkavu, Kerala Lack of iron causes chlorosis and that lead to fruits drop in citrus. Piercing iron nails improves iron content in plants and thus prevents fruits drop to some extent. www.agrsci.unibo.it/dicabo/research%20activity/table_research.htm http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/HS141 http://www.acornsprings.com/index.php?men=garden101&mod=pages&idp =27&id_ctg=78 Also see HB 6(2):12, 1995 Scouted by Peermade Development Society
Volume No. Honey Bee, 18(2):17, 2006
Call Number 18201
