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Name Mr N Ponnusamy
District Dindigul District
State Tamil Nadu
Title Treating wounds herbally
Details Mr Ponnusamy of Tamil Nadu is pursuing Siddha tradition of herbal treatment for the last 40 years. When he was 10 years old, he suffered from acute pain in his legs due to a wound. Whenever he observes a new plant, he tries to examine its characteristics like its colloidness, texture etc. During 1977, he tested Heartseed (Cardiospermum helicacabum L.) plant for wounds. To his surprise, it had a gum like colloidness. During that time, Ponnusamy was suffering from nasal obstruction. He applied the paste over the lung region. Within a few hours, he was able to do breathe normally. The plant is also effective against gastric trouble. From 1977 to 2005, he has cured about 3000 people and he claims that the curing time is far less, provides a complete relief from pain, and does not leave any scars In order to treat sheep affected with hemorrhagic gastro-enteritis and dysentery, he feeds them an extract of Glandular Jatropha (Jatropha glandulifera Roxb.). He also uses “Amman Pacharisi” (Euphorbia hirta) to increase milk secretion in his sheep. (Cardiospermum halicacabum has potent anti-inflammatory (Asha and Pushpangadan, 1999) and antipyretic activity (Sadique et al.,1987). Its topical application over the swollen (inflammed) region reduces pain) Asha V V , Pushpangadan P 1999 Antipyretic activity of Cardiospermum halicacabum Indian J Exp Biol. Apr;37(4):411-4; Sadique J,Chandra T,Thenmozhi V, Elango V 1987 Biochemical modes of action of Cassia occidentalis and Cardiospermum halicacabum in inflammation. Ethnopharmacol. Mar-Apr; 19(2):201-12; Parekh, Jigna, Darshana Jadeja and Sumitra Chanda (2005) - Efficacy of aqueous and methanol extracts of some medicinal plants for potential antibacterial activity, Turkish Journal of Biology 29, 203-210; Jatropha glandulifera was reported for its use in dysentery (Logan ,1973) and constipation (Duke ,1994). Klinar et al., (1995) had reported the genus for its purgative activity; Logan M H 1973 Digestive disorders and plant medicine in highland Guatemala. anthropos 68 : 537-543; Klinar S, Castillo P, Chang A, Schmeda-hirschmann G, Reyes S, Theoduloz C, Razmilic I 1995 Biological activity of medicinal plants of ica (peru). Fitoterapia 66 4: 341-345; Duke J A 1994 Amazonian ethnobotanical dictionary. Book : 181.
Volume No. Honey Bee, 17(4) & 18(1):43, 2006 & 2007
Call Number 18111
