Information |
Name |
Mr Kshetrimayum Nicholson Singh |
Address |
Wangkhei Koijam Leikai |
District |
Imphal |
Category |
Engineering practices |
Title |
Shock free electric converter |
Details |
K. Nicholson Singh from Imphal, Manipur has a small workshop where he repairs electric motors and other items. Though he could not study much, with his hard work, he has been able to get expertise in his work.
He has made an innovative shock free electric converter. The basic function of the device is to convert a normal electrical current to a shock free electrical current. The device can be installed next to the electricity meter so that it is well connected to the entire household/commercial establishment. If the device is installed at a domestic service connection, the subsequent electrical lines will become shock free. This will protect the person from getting an electrical shock upon an accidental touch on naked wires, faulty appliances and switches and prevent serious injury or loss of life. However, on touching both wires (phase and neutral) together or due to a problem in the internal wiring, the device will not work. The cost of materials for fabrication of a new machine is around Rs 6000-7000, depending on its capacity.
Besides the shock free electrical converter, Mr Singh has also made a recycled tubelight and a double phase protector. He has also done lot of work on wireless system, cordless phone, etc. With his improvised handsets, a normal cordless phone can be used as a mobile phone by increasing its area of coverage. Such ingenuity has undoubtedly got him into trouble with the law enforcing agencies in the troubled state of Manipur. At the same time, the same people also come to him whenever they have problem with their communication equipments.
Electric shock eliminator (US 2614155, 14.10.1952): available.
Electric Shock Preventing Device And Power Source Box (JP2007027007, 1.02.07)
Read remaining references in this regard at |
Volume No. |
Honey Bee, 18(3) & 18(4):30, 2007 |
Call Number |
183419 |