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Magazine Editorial

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Name Mr Brundaban Sahu
Address Kamakhya-nagar village
State Orissa
Category Practices for animl diseases
Title Saupa to treat FMD
Details Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) is a well known viral disease in cattle. Mr Brundaban Sahu follows a traditional method to treat the affected cows. He takes two camphor balls, 100 ml turpentine oil and 10 ml oil obtained from “Saupa”, Dill Seeds (Anethum graveolens L.). He mixes all these ingredients together and applies it on the wounds and ulcers. The oil heals up the ulcerative wound in udder, foot and mouth when applied 2-3 times a day for five days. Mr Sahu has treated 100 such cases with success. Essential oils from Dill herb and seeds have been found to have genotoxic activity, and may thus effect the viral proliferation.J. R. Lazutka, J. Mierauskien, G. Slapyt and V. Dedony; Food and Chemical Toxicology39(5):485-492, 2001
Volume No. Honey Bee, 18(3) & 18(4):29-30, 2007
Call Number 183417
