Information |
Name |
Namvzhi velanmai |
Address |
District |
Madurai |
State |
Tamil Nadu |
Country |
Category |
Namvzhi velanmai |
Title |
Breeding of Kangayam Cattle & Mixed Farming |
Abstract |
Details |
"321209 Breeding of Kangayam cattle
Smt. Soundram Ramasamy
Smt. Soundram owns nine-acre of ‘Ko- rangadu’ pasture land and five acres of garden land. She and her mother have been maintaining a local breed of cattle called ‘Kangayam’. She along with the help of Nataraj of Karuppanvalasu Pu- thur surveyed the best kangayam bulls or male calves in the area and adopted them for improving the productivity of Kangayam cattle. While selecting male calves for breeding bulls, they observed certain characters such as: shortness of horn, thin tail (sannam), Short face (kuttai) and short legs (kaal sanam), prominent eyes, larger hooves(kulambu), wider shoulder bone vila elumbu) and larger hump(thimil)
A bull can serve about 20-30 animals in a month. She collects Rs. 150/- per natural service. The conceiving rate is more than 80%, and very few cows are brought for the second time for servicing, she claims. By seeing good demand for natural service, she is now maintaining four breeding bulls of Kangayam breed. The service rate is about 100-120 animals per month or more.
Based on the traditional knowledge of her mother Smt. Palaniyammal, Soun- dram shared the following practices for better up keeping of animals.
I. Cows not conceiving: Among other reasons, one could be presence of in- testinal worms. The animals should be treated for their control. They admin ister 200 ml of neem oil and also 4-5 lemon fruits (fruits are cut and admin- istered orally). In addition, they ad- minister Aloe vera on the empty stom- ach for three days continuously. This ensures conceiving in cows after natu- ral service. (See Honey Bee, 3(3&4):19, 1992.)
II. Maintaining the vigor of breed- ing bulls: Two kilos of cotton seeds, twenty-three kilos of raw rice are to be soaked together in water for five hours and this has to be fed daily. One coconut will be grated and mixed with this ration. They spend Rs.250 daily for four bulls. In addition, half a kg of groundnut cake is soaked in water and mixed with drinking water for animals to drink. This is sufficient for four bulls.
III. Diarrohea in sheep/cattle: Two handful leaves of Thuthi (Abutilon in- dicum), two handful leaves of Poovara- su (Thespesia populnea), and 50 grams of cumin 50 gm are to be ground well and administered one time (See Honey Bee, 6(1):10, 1995).
IV) HCN poisoning: Due to the in- take of dried sorghum plants (young seedlings withered due to water defi- cit), the animals will choke, leading to death if not attended immediately. For this, she has administered jaggery mixed water or chili powder mixed with water (See Honey Bee, 3(3 & 4):21, 1991).
V) Animals not taking water: The 6 Inch root of varikumatikai (Citrullus colocynthis) is ground well and admin- istered orally. This is also effective for blood-tinged diarrhea in cattle and sheep.
321210 Mixed Farming Mr. Veerachamy
Veerachamy (66 Years), farmer, retired as village administrative officer. He is able to earn Rs.30,000 per month from his mixed farm of 7 acres land. He is cultivating paddy, pursuing agrofor- estry, fish farming in farm ponds and keeping 25 sheep, 20 goats and 4 cows. He is following organic practices and also he sells panchagavya, vermicom- post to local farmers.
He once noticed his sheep suffered from dysentery and due to excessive body heat. He administered raw fresh turmeric rhizome after cut into small pieces, about ‘Amla’ size, thrice a day. The animal became alright. He planted many medicinal plants in his farm in- cluding turmeric.
M. Veerachamy, Soliyankottagam, Illan- thoppu,
Mayiladuthurai Taluk, Mayiladuthurai District
" |
Volume No. |
Honey Bee, 32(1-2)23-24, 2021 |
Sout |
Call Number |