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Title First People’s Festival of Innovation November 19-29, 2022: Deep Tech Company’s profiles
Details "A Next Generation Coccidial Solution Company: Daskdán Innovations Naveedchikan@Daskdan.Co.In Founders: Naveed Chikan Problem Addressed: Antibiotics are frequently administered to food-producing animals for disease prevention, treatment, and body growth. Antibiotic overuse and abuse in food- producing animals are critical factors in the growing danger of antibiotic resistance. Food production without the use of antibiotics has gained popularity recently. Other than consumer demand, worries about the development of antimicrobial resistance have led some nations to outlaw the use of antibiotics as growth promoters in animal feed. Technology: We are focused on using artificial intelligence for purposing and/ or repurposing Himalayan herbs for desired animal therapeutics. We bring Herbal Alternatives from Kashmir Valley, a region rich in Himalayan medicinal herbs. We are working on a technology called Computer-Aided Phytotherapy (CAP). CAP integrates computational chemistry with our western Himalayan phytochemical database of over 3000 active compounds and helps us to rationalise phytotherapy and make our in-house animal-centric pharmacopoeia. Societal Impact: Our mission is to provide natural and affordable alternatives for animal nutrition and health and to support more sustainable farming that protects our resources and human health. Plant-based alternatives to chemicals are at the core of this mission. Current Status: We are among very few Indian startups that have been funded by both Department of Science and technology and Department of Biotechnology. AT present we have established proof of concept for two of our products targeting Poultry industry. Company Website Link: www.daskdan.co.in MorphX, A 10 Minutes Blood Diagnostic Platform Company: Neuranics Lab praveen@neuranicslab.com Founders: Praveen Kumar Bhagat & Ashutosh Patra Problem Addressed: To bring 10 Minutes B l o o d D i a g n o s t i c Platform, which will enable doctors to treat patients in a single visit with more confidence. Technology: We use pre ci s ion rob ot ic s, multispectral imaging, micr o f l uidics, a n d machine vision to analyse every cell and give a detailed visual report for blood diagnosis. Societal Impact: To enable 80% of our population to get quality diagnostics right at the primary health centres. Current Status: Today, one has to wait for days before they can get even a basic test like CBC. With this technology, it will fundamentally change the way care is delivered to patients in primary health centres and clinics. Company Website Link: http://neuranicslab.com Stem Cell Platform Technology For Gently Reversing hair loss Company: OCT Therapies & Research Pvt. Ltd. caroline@octtherapies.com Founders: Dr. Caroline Mathen & Mathen Mathew Problem Addressed: Hair loss is a very common problem for both men and women and nowadays incidence of hair loss starts at a much younger age than what it used to be maybe a decade back. Current treatments include harsh drugs like Minoxidil and Finasteride which have side effects like double vision, palpitations, skin irritation and male sexual dysfunction. Technology: We have a patented stem cell platform technology which can be used for multiple applications. Although the technology is stem cell based there are no stem cells in the product as we use the secretome in the Hair Regeneration serum, a first-in-class stem cell cosmetic approved by CDSCO in India. Our regenerative approach gently reverses hair loss while having no side effects. It is completely bio-compatible and safe to use. Societal Impact: The OCTT Hair Regeneration serum is bio compatible and does not have any side effects. Our OTC product is a user-friendly topical application, does not need medical expertise to administer, stable at room temperature and easy to store and transport. Current Status: TRL8 ready to launch subject to final product permission from CDSCO. GMP compliant manufacturing facility is ready. Company Website Link: www.octtherapies.com Mechanically Stable Orthosis (MSO), An Assistive Device For Knee Joint Company: Aumeesh Tech Pvt Ltd aneesh.karma82@gmail.com Founders: Aneesh Karma & Shahnaj Karma Problem Addressed: The KAFO provided by Govt Hospital and NGO are drop lock which locks the knee joint in fully extended position during both stance and swing phases, while 30% of people require dynamic KAFO which is not provided by the govt hospitals and NGOs. Drop-lock caliper causes abnormal gait and problems doing daily routine which leads to premature exhaustion, pain, limited mobility and decreased range of motion in lower limb joint. Technology: MSO is an assistive device and focuses on providing a better alternative to the existing orthotic calipers by automatic locking and unlocking of the knee joint according to the stance and swing phase of the user to provide lower limb stability using ratchet and pawl mechanism. Shocker helps to straighten the leg after swing phase. C-clamp applies adequate pressure on the knee for better stability while standing and walking. Societal Impact: Usage of Drop lock caliper causes abnormal gait while walking which causes pain, limited mobility and decreased range of motion. Due to this the rejection rate of drop lock KAFO is higher than 60%. MSO offers a cost effective & quality health-care solution to people affected by locomotor disability at best price of 20,000/- with additional features of c-clamp and shocker. Special advantage for rural segment. Current Status: Under Clinical Trial TRL - 3 Company Website Link: https://www.aumeesh.com/ Digital Microscopes & Automated Microscopy Solution Company: Medprime Technologies Private Limited greeshma1007@gmail.com Founders: Samrat, Greeshma Unnikrishnan, Mahesh Kumar Rathor, & Binil Jacob Problem Addressed: Owing to the reducing number of practicing pathologists and increasing number of patients with chronic diseases, there is a significant dearth of pathologists, especially in rural areas and small towns. Samples need to be transported to cities for analysis and this increases the turnaround time and error rate for microscopy-based diagnostic tests. Telepathology and affordable automation is required to reduce the work load on pathologists and enable remote diagnosis. Technology: Cilika is a range of tablet integrated digital microscopes with a patented optical system that can be used for diagnosis and research and has image capturing, video recording, live streaming, projection, micrometry and annotation capabilities. MICALYS is a one stop automated microscopy solution that can function as a whole slide scanner, enable remote access and operation, perform AI based sample analysis as well as function as a manual microscope. Societal Impact: 1. Tackling the shortage of pathologists & lab technicians in small towns by digitizing samples and automating tests 2. Reducing turn-around time for diagnostic test results to less than an hour & hence enable faster treatment & reduce patient attrition 3. A single system to diagnose multiple diseases reducing the complexity & cost of diagnosis 4. Digitize diagnostic tests for easier data maintenance, surveillance & monitoring Current Status: MedPrime has manufactured and sold almost 600 units of Cilika digital microscopes across India. We are working towards automation of microscopy through MICALYS. The whole slide scanner and manual mode of MICALYS are ready and are in beta trial stage. Company Website Link: www.medprimetech.com World’s First Portable Robotic Video- electroencephalography (V-EEG) solution Company: Mocxa Health Pvt Ltd. aditya@mocxa.com Founders: Ankita Kumar & Aditya Kadambi Problem Addressed: Worldwide, more than 65 million people suffer from epilepsy. Issues such as long hospital waitlists and unaffordable costs are prevalent both in developed and developing countries. Mocxa is focused on addressing the lack of accessibility to high quality diagnostic and monitoring care for people with epilepsy and other neurological conditions using modern technologies. Technology: World’s First Portable Robotic Video- electroencephalography solution that can be used anywhere including at home and in low resource settings. The user- friendly device provides clinical grade synchronized EEG and patient video data used by neurologists for diagnosis of seizures and epilepsy. With the device, hospitals can generate significant cost savings as well as offer scalable diagnostic monitoring without investing in any physical infrastructure. Societal Impact: An estimated 1 lakh direct (seizure sufferers) and 1.5 lakh indirect users can be positively impacted in the next few years. For each patient and their family, the direct benefits include (a) Affordability - The costs to less than 1/5th of present costs for patients. (b) Accessibility - Patients located in rural and small-town India get an alternative to camping out at crowded hospital centers in the metros. Current Status: The Mocxa solution has been successfully clinically validated in hospital settings with patients suffering from seizures, epilepsy and other neurological conditions. We are now gearing up for pilots across India. For collaborations and partnerships, please contact aditya@mocxa.com. Company Website Link: www.mocxa.com A Personal Hygiene Solution That Is Zero-Water, Antiseptic And Antimicrobial Rub That Can Kill Microbes Company: Clensta yash.gupta@clensta.com Founders: Puneet Gupta Problem Addressed: We are completely dependent on water for our hygiene requirements. However, water is a precious commodity, one which is constantly dwindling in supply. Even today in many scenarios access to water is a challenge, which leads to inability to maintain personal hygiene. Technology: Clensta’s waterless technology is based on an advancement in the practical application of a relative amount of ingredients with synergistic activity. It has enabled us to create a waterless shampoo and body bath, which enables an individual to take completely disinfect and refresh themselves without the use of water. Societal Impact: Currently, the waterless products have gained major traction in the healthcare industry, wherein patients admitted in hospitals or recovering from post- operative care are able to maintain personal hygiene using our products. It is also being actively used by the defense personnel of our country, particularly those who are posted in extreme weather conditions without access to water. Current Status: The products are being sold to top hospitals in India such as AIIMS, Medanta, Max Hospitals as well as to the armed forces. Clensta is now looking to fulfill the export potential of the product by catering to several inbound requests received. Company Website Link: www.clensta.com A Semantic AI Powered Genome Variants Analysis Platform Company: Semantic Web India Pvt Ltd asha@semanticwebindia.com Founders: Asha Subramanian & Vijay Varahaswami Problem Addressed: Lack of affordable and automated tools for genome data analysis to detect, research and analyze rare genetic disorders in humans with the ability to build Indian population centric shared repository of genetic variants. Technology: “SemGenome - GVA”,ťthe cloud-based genome variant analysis platform is based on Semantic AI Technologies, Knowledge Graphs and enables - enhanced diagnosis, - timely and high accuracy results - eliminates huge hardware and manpower investments for Genome Analysis - p r o v i d e s a g r o w i n g s e a r c h a b l e k n o w l e d g e r e p o s i t o r y o f v a r i a n t a n a l y s i s Societal Impact: Genetic Testing and Analysis continue to have a high entry cost for service providers and dependency on multiple agencies for Data Analysis rendering the entire process highly expensive for end patients. Our solution democratizes the access to sophisticated IT interventions for genome variant analysis at affordable costs with no B2B conflict enabling large, medium, and smaller service providers render the same level of service to end patients. Current Status: TRL 6. The Alpha Testing is in Progress. We are targeting Beta Launch in January 2023 (TRL7) Company Website Link: www.semanticwebindia.com Isothermal LAMP-based Technology & Diagnostic Solutions Company: InnoDx Solutions Pvt. Ltd. sci.m@inno-dx.com Founders: Mr. Ram Sharma & Mr. Jimmy Bhambra Problem Addressed: There is a gap between the gold standard technology (RT-PCR) and LFA’s such as antigen tests. PCR provides accuracy but is a complex procedure and on the other hand LFA’s though provides ease of use, they are not sensitive enough. Our solution will bridge this gap as it can give sensitivity and specificity of gold standard but is so easy to use that it can be deployed in decentralized settings Technology: The current format that we have developed for covid utilizes no Nucleic acid extraction protocol. The entire reaction mixes are lyophilized in a single tube for a simple workflow and non-cold chain storage. For this process, results can be interpreted on simple colorimetric visual device or instrument based real time fluorometer. Societal Impact: In resource constraint geographies like India, two factors majorly hinder the penetration of diagnostics that is requirement of infrastructure and cost. Our solution is going to provide cost-effective diagnosis at PHC level along with being accessible to NGO’s and govt, programs, hence will have high social as well as economic impact to society. Current Status: Our colour format for COVID-19 has been passed by ICMR and is at the final stage of commercialisation. Our instrument based real time fluorometer is at final prototype stage and will be ready in 1-2 months time. Company Website Link: https://inno-dx.com/our- products/#LampKit SilvoGuard Antimicrobial Medical Devices Company: Weinnovate Biosolutions Pvt. Ltd. anupama@wibpl.com Founders: Dr. Milind Choudhari Problem Addressed: SilvoGuard Antimicrobial Medical devices address the issue of Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI). HAIs are responsible for huge morbidity, mortality and healthcare costs on a global scale. Technolog y : SilvoGuard Antimicrobial Medical devices are based on the patented Silver Nanoparticles technology that kills any bacteria that even comes in close vicinity of the devices thus preventing infections. Societal Impact: SilvoGuard Antimicrobial Foley catheter has touched more than 40000 patient lives and improved their hospitalisation stay. There is close to 15Cr healthcare costs saved and potential cases of Catheter Associated UTIs prevented with the use of Silvoguard Current Status: Currently, SlvoGuard is commercially available in India and neighbouring countries like Nepal. Company Website Link: www.wibpl.com Skin Spray Gun: A Portable Surgical Device For Skin Transplantation Company: Pacify Medical Technologies Pvt Ltd saiprasad@pacifymedical.com Founders: Saiprasad Poyarekar & Rayyan Ramrajkar Problem Addressed: We are reducing the donor site requirement for skin transplantation surgery and dependence on cadaver skin thereby solving the problem of long healing time & contracture of the large wound by traditional skin graft. Technology: Skin spray gun is a portable surgical device for skin transplantation using autologous (patient’s own) skin for the regeneration of the wound. It sprays skin in real-time to help plastic surgeons to cover large wounds with limited healthy skin in the process of skin grafting, thereby saving donor skin and reducing surgery time and healing time. Societal Impact: The innovation will impacting 7 Lakhs burn injuries in India, especially the acid attack victims which are mostly women. Children and Women will be more beneficiary of the solution from low income group. Current Status: Indian Airforce has shown interest in the technology and functional prototype tested in hospital environment. Company Website Link: https://pacifymedical.com 100% Natural Air-spray Based Disinfectant Effective Against Viruses & Other Microbes Company: Yogic Naturals nisshant@yogicnaturals.com Founders: Mr. Amul S Bahl Problem Addressed: Developed TOPICAL USE plant serum based treatment for 1. Diabetes 2. PCOS 3. Osteoarthritis 4. Primary Dysmenorrhea 5. Piles and Hemorrhoids 6. Anxiety and Insomnia 7. Fir s t e v er p l a n t b a s e d t r e a t m en t f o r C o v id-19 a n d i ts in d uce d l un g in j ur y Technology: 1. Ayurveda Plant Nanocellopathy, a first of its kind technology 2. Treatment of ailments by TOPICAL APPLICATION of plant serums 3. Scientifically proven safe and effective 4. Successfully undergone CTRI registered Human Clinical Trials 5. International Peer Reviewed Journal Publications 6. Direct, fast acting and easy to use Societal Impact: 1. Operated as a charitable clinic, a small Seva for 22 years 2. Treated thousands of patients from Osteoarthritis, Diabetes, PCOS 3. Tre at e d t h ou s an d s of p at ients s uf fer ing from COVID-19, lung pneumonia and long covid Current Status: 1. 50 products catering to 80+ ailments 2. Awarded by C-Camp and Startup India 3. COVID-19 Research treatment and lung repair solution, researched in collaboration with AIIMS Delhi, recognised and made part of WHO RESEARCH DATABASE for COVID. 4. Patents in process Company Website Link: www.godsownstore.com Susatinable Sanitary Napkin Processing And Recycling Technology Company: Padcare Labs Private Limited Email: ajinkya.dhariya@padcarelabs.com Founders: Ajinkya Dhariya Problem Addressed: Vulnerable Women - Out of the 355 million menstruating women in India, 52.8% change their absorbents in overused and unhygienic public toilets Depleting Environment- 121 million Indian generate up to 100 + pads of sanitary waste throughout year, all of which end up in overfull urban landfills, where they take a minimum of 800 years to decompose. Unprotected Sanitation workers -Waste pickers collect sanitary waste from urban localities without any protective gear. Technology: PadCare is a leading menstrual tech platform where we help our clients to achieve sustainable development, ESG, and zero landfills goals while ensuring the wellness & hygiene of female employees. We use our patented menstrual hygiene services we are recycling million of sanitary napkins and saving >150 MT GHG emissions. Societal Impact: Good Health and Well-being - Clean Water and Sanitation - Sustainable Cities and Communities - Climate Action Current Status: PadCare is creating impact on 1 lac women across 6 urban cities in India Company Website Link: www.padcarelabs.com Emvólio- A Patented Rapid Cooling Technology For Safe Lastmile Transport Of Vaccines, Insulin, Breast-Milk, Blood-Serums, Medications & Specimens With Minimal Freeze-Thaw Cycles. Company : Blackfrog Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Email: mayurshetty@blackfrog.in Founders: Mayur Shetty & Donson D Souza Problem Addressed: The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates 50% of vaccines (25% for liquid vaccines) go to waste before they are administered[, one of the biggest contributors being disruption in cold chain supply. Temperature-sensitive vaccines must be stored at 2-8 degrees Celsius to remain efficacious. Last mileť immunization cold chain in remote, low- income settings reliant on ice-based technologies face problems of compliance, accidental freezing and/or warming, and lack of temperature monitoring during transport. Technology: Emvolio is a portable, battery-powered refrigeration device that will strictly maintain any preset temperature for over 12 hours for last mile transport of vaccines. Further device capabilities include continuous temperature monitoring, location tracking, state-of- charge indication, communication with headquarters via live tracking, and vital statistics for improved coverage. This system has been helping remote hospitals relieve the economic burden of wasted vaccines. Societal Impact: Emvolio Plus costs USD 1740 and has been purchased by multiple hospitals and non- profit organizations engaged in improving healthcare and livelihood. One of Blackfrogs clients, SVYM Hospital in Sargur, near Mysore (Karnataka) have used Emvolio for a full year now. They report saving USD 174 every month as a direct consequence of not having to discard unused vaccines at the end of the days field trip. Current Status: The product and technology is at TRL 9 and deployed across 12+ states in India for transport of routine as well as COVID-19 vaccines. Blackfrog is now exporting the tech to the Middle-East and Africa. Company Website Link: www.blackfrog.in Swaasa, The Google Photos For Cough Sounds Company: Salcit Technologies Private Limited Email: svn@salcit.in Founders: Narayana Rao Sripda, Venkat Yechuri, & Manmohan Jain Problem Addressed: Screening for respiratory diseases is an unmet need as due to limited human expertise and lab facilities, it is not possible to do pulmonary function tests at primary care level centres. Any technology / tool which can facilitate screening and identify whether the problem is attributed to airway or lung parenchyma/pleura will be a highly useful value proposition for the appropriate next intervention. Technology: Swaasa can identify underlying respiratory lung conditions by analyzing a 10 second (solicited) cough sound recording. Swaasa can be thought of as (1) PoC SaMD for instant evaluation of respiratory health (2) The equivalent of home monitoring for Blood Glucose and Blood Pressure - for respiratory health. Societal Impact: In places where it is not possible to do any testing, Swaasa can play a role in performing lung health assessments very easily as this does not require any equipment, chemicals, or skilled manpower. And is very inexpensive compared to existing methods. Improved case detection rate at sub center level using Swaasa® and without using Swaasa®. Essentially accessability, affordability, scalability and doing assessments remotely and asynchronously are the real impact factors of Swaasa. Current Status: Already in market with the core functionality to provide functional equivalnce of Spirometry. Validated the device for detecting presence of COVID-19 and PTB, deployments and early customer acquisitions for this are in progress. Company Website Link: swaasa.ai, salcit.in Peashrimp: The Plant-Based Prawn Meat C o m p a n y :F e m t o F a r ad P riva t e L imi t e d Email: ansuman1997@gmail.com Founders: Ansuman Das & Dr Kunal Samantaray Problem Addressed: Plant-based meat analogues limit risks of zoonotic diseases, unethical and inhumane farm animal treatment, and high carbon footprint and freshwater requirements of farmed animal meat. FemtoFarad’s use of only plant-based sources of protein and careful bottom-up formulation of food products enables strict adherence to health, nutrition and food safety guidelines. Mimicking prawn-like taste, texture and appearance facilitates societal acceptance and easier marketplace adoption. Technology: FemtoFarad has secured initial grant funding (BIRAC, Govt of India) to develop heme-protein flavourants from microalgae to produce a range of low carbon imprint plant-based prawn meat analogues (PeaShrimp). PeaShrimp also features our patent-applied innovation is to have a vegan shell developed from edible mushroom chitosan infused with microalgae-extracted Astaxanthin and heat-labile. Societal Impact: FemtoFarad trains and creates employment opportunities for low income farmers in microalgae cultivation. Consumption of PeaShrimp is better for consumer health due to Reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, Decrease of inflammation, Improvement of gut microbiome health and digestion, Weight management and strategies to support weight loss, Reduction in cholesterol, blood pressure and the risk of hypertension, Improvement in blood sugar control, Reduction in saturated fat intake. Current Status: FemtoFarad has developed and is in process of patenting IPs for i) Food grade non-GMO heme-protein extraction ii) For vegan prawn shell with similar color/cooking characteristics as natural prawn. Company Website Link: www.femtofarad.com A Platform For Stem Cell And Gene Editing To Develop Breakthrough Therapies For Incurable Diseases Of Eye Company: Eyestem Research Private Limited Email: jogin.desai@eyestem.com Founders: Rajarshi Pal, Rajani Battu, & Jogin Desai Problem Addressed: Cell and gene therapy will soon start curing hitherto incurable diseases. The price point of such therapies is estimated to be > $200k per injection. This is beyond the reach of most people and democratizing access to such new age therapies is the need of the hour. Technology: We have developed a scalable cell therapy platform with the ambition to reduce costs by over 90 % of global benchmarks with equal or better quality. We are aiming to treat Dry macular degeneration, Retinitis Pigmentosa and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis in that order of priority Societal Impact: Dry AMD affects 1.5-4 Cr people in India with no cure available globally. It is the largest cause of blindness over 50. Kids with Retinitis Pigmentosa are legally blind by the third decade of life. Pulmonary Fibrosis is the end stage for a lot of lung diseases, from Covid to TB. Neither of these conditions are curable anywhere in the world. Current Status: Our flagship oroduct, Eyecyte-RPE, is a suspension of Retinal Pigment Epithelium cells which are lost in Dry AMD. Our first in human trials of the product will begin in early 2023. The two other products- Eyecyte- PRP - Photoreceptor cells to replace cells lost in Retinitis Pigmentosa and Aircyte-AEC - lung alveolar cells to replace cells lost in Pulmonary Fibrosis, will follow soon thereafter. Company Website Link: www.eyestem.com "
Volume No. Honey Bee, 33(3-4)31-40, 2022
Call Number
